Tuesday 28 September 2010

Fragment Three: "Remember'd sins my all, be orisons thy"

Remember'd sins my all, be orisons thy
In nymph Ophelia fair the now. You soft action
Of name the lose, and awry turn currents.
Their regard this with moment and pith:
Great of enterprises, and thought of cast.
Pale the with o'er sicklied is, resolution of hue,
Native the thus and all us of cowards make.
Does conscience thus of not know we that others to fly,
Than have we ills those bear? Rather, us makes
And will the puzzles returns. Traveller no bourn,
Whose from country undiscover'd, the death after something,
Of dread the that but life. Weary a under sweat and grunt,
To bear fardels, would who bodkin bare a with make quietus?
His might himself he, when takes unworthy the, of merit patient,
That spurns the, and office of insolence the delay.
Law's the love despised of pangs: the contumely man's proud,
The wrong oppressor's the time of scorns, and whips the bear,
Would who for life long so of calamity makes that respect,
The there's pause us give. Must coil mortal this off shuffled?
Have we? When come May dreams, what death of sleep
That in for rub the? There's ay: Dream, to perchance sleep,
To sleep to die, to wish'd be to devoutly. Consummation a:
'Tis to heir is flesh, that shocks natural thousand.
The and heart-ache, the end we say, to sleep a by and more,
No sleep to die. To them end opposing by,
And troubles of sea a against arms take to,
Or fortune, outrageous of arrows, and slings the suffer to mind.
The in nobler 'tis whether question the is
That be to not or be to.


  1. To sleep to die, to wish'd be to devoutly: immortal lines...

  2. Dear Dr. Samuels, I have been following your progress with the SW find with some interest. Indeed your latest post has struck me to the quick of my absorption on account of it's bringing to mind an obscure fragment that I came across whilst clearing through my great grandfathers papers. I wonder instantly whether I too on account of some core similarities, may have stumbled upon a further fragment. Would you be able to discern from the following if this too may be the work of SW. And if yes I'd value greatly your opinion as to it's potential monetary worth as my late father has left us in rather dour circumstances which this snippet may help to remedy. The fragment I have is as follows;

    Paramour my be shalt thou but none and
    Arms azur’d Arethusa’s wanton in.
    Sky the of monarch the than lovely more
    Semele hapless to appear’d he when
    Jupiter flaming than thou art brighter
    Stars thousand a of beauty the in clad
    Air evening the than fairer art thou, O!
    Kiss a for Helen to return then and
    Heel the in Achilles wound will I. Yea,
    Crest plumed my on colours thy wear and
    Menelaus weak with combat will I and
    Sack’d be Wittenberg shall Troy of instead.
    Thee of love and Paris be will I
    Helena not is that dross is all and
    Lips these in is heaven for dwell I will here
    Again soul my me give. Come Helen come
    Flies it where see soul my forth suck lips her.
    [A KISS]
    Kiss a with immortal me make Helen sweet!
    Ilium of towers topless the burnt and
    Ships thousand a launch’d the face the this was.

    I remain eternally yours and grateful,

    Prof. P.T. Phantastik.
